
When you go for a game of roulette, you need to be aware of the different alternatives you have when gambling. It is very useful to know about the various alternatives because you will be able to have a laugh and win a few extra dollars. Read on to learn more about the gambling alternatives.

Bets Types

When you gamble on a roulette game there are two possibilities. You can either place an outside gamble, which is not placed in the numbered grid, or an inside gamble, which is placed on the numbered grid.

Outside bets





1 to 1

You gamble that the ball will hit a red or black number.


1 to 1

You gamble on a number from 1 to 18 or from 19-36.


1 to 1

You gamble that the ball will hit an odd or even number


2 to 1

You gamble on whichever of the three dozens going from 1-12, 13 -24
and 25-36


2 to 1

You gamble on twelve numbers from three different rows.


Inside bets




One number

35 to 1

You gamble on one number by placing your counters on it.


17 to 1

You gamble on two numbers and the counter is placed on


17 to 1

You gamble on three numbers of a row and the counter is placed at the end


8 to 1

You gamble on four numbers and the counter is placed in the centre of the corners of four numbers


6 to 1

You gamble on six number and the counter is placed between two lines.


Betting on a wheel

These are the different gambles you can place on a wheel:

  • Neighbours: these are the gambles placed on the numbers to the left or right of the chosen pocket.
  • Neighbours of zero: these numbers are the ones that are near the one zero pocket namely 0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 12, 15, 18, 19, 22, 21, 25, 26, 29, 28, 32, and 35.
  • The double x and the neighbours: the numbers you choose are supported by two characters next to it. For instance, you place a straight gamble on 0, 26, 3, 32 with five counters, and you gamble 15 counters on the adjacent numbers including 9, 14 and 1.
  • French and neighbour: in this gamble you can place your wager on the part of the wheel you feel the ball will it.
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